Campground Rules




Maryland State Law requires that children under 16 years of age to wear a helmet while riding bicycles. Bicycle riding is not allowed after dark. NO ATV’S OR MOTORIZED SCOOTERS ALLOWED.

Quiet Hours

11:00 PM to 7:00 AM. Generators may not be operated during quiet hours. No roaming the campground after 11:00 PM and do not cut through other campsites. Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian when off their site after 11:00 PM.


Be considerate of your fellow campers. One camping unit, registered vehicles and one family per site is permitted. The registered camper is responsible for the behavior of all persons occupying or visiting their site. Extra trailers are not allowed on RV site but must be stored in designated area in campground. Car dollies are permitted on site but must be parked in paved drive, NOT ON GRASS! Do not tie anything to trees.

Vehicles at Campsite

Display vehicle pass at all times on rear-view mirror. Please do not blow your horn.. Do not wash vehicle or campers at site. Vehicles must be parked in site drive, NOT ON GRASS! The person operating the vehicle on campground property, must obtain a valid drivers license and except all responsibility of that vehicle. Vehicles are again any car, truck, motorcycle or misc. trailer.


Permitted from 8:00 AM to Midnight. Please never leave your campfire unattended.


When walking pets, owner must carry a means of cleaning up pet’s waste and dispose of that waste.

Table and Fire Rings


Sewer Hook-Ups

Hoses must be undamaged and must not be inserted into the sewer more than 6 inches. Violators will be subject to a fine and possible eviction. Hookups must be airtight and watertight. Supplies are sold in General Store.

Waste Water

Maryland State Law prohibits the discharge of any waste (septic or graywater) on the ground. Violators will be subject to a fine and possible eviction. Formaldehyde products are not permitted.


Any type of explosive or firearm is not permitted in the campground. If you are caught with fireworks, etc. you will be asked to leave the campground (without refund). NO WARNINGS ISSUED.


All campers will be responsible for disposing of trash in our dumpster located behind General Store. Household trash is only allowed in dumpster. If trash is left on-site a $15 fee will be charged on campers transaction.


Catch and release program – no charge. Fishing allowed from gazebo, beach or behind your site on ponds edge. Do not intrude on another site/cabin.

Fire Safety

Fire Extinguishers are located on the outside of bath houses, inside each cabin and inside the Office and General Store.


Sleeping tents will not be setup on any sites (RV or Cabin) at any time.


No climbing on railings. No fishing poles or tackle inside pool area.  Guest in pool will swim at own risk.

No glass bottled beverages allowed in pool area.  


Not allowed in park after office is closed unless pre-registered and pre-paid.

Any vehicle without a visible vehicle pass and is parked anywhere on IRC property will be towed at the vehicle owners expense.

Alcoholic beverages are not to be opened / displayed in the General Store or Campground Office.

NO DRIVE THRUS ALLOWED FRI/SAT during our peak season (May thru August).

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